welcome to fumcyouthbr
We're so glad you're here! We are people who find true life by following in Jesus' way. We are all about Love3: growing in our love of God first, love of others and love of ourselves. It's how we measure if we're maturing as disciples of Jesus. See the opportunities below to get involved!
One Night Stand
A Workshop for 7th-9th Graders
7th-9th grade youth and their parents are invited to attend One Night Stand on Sunday, September 29 from 12pm-5pm. The goal of this workshop is to equip your student to make faithful choices concerning their sexuality, treatment of others both in person and online, and impart to them confidence in their God-given identity.
It's coming! The Great Pumpkin Hunt will be here soon! Get your team together and prepare for this spooky fun scavenger hunt.
The hunt begins on Sunday, October 20, 2024 at 5pm with kids racing against time and each other in teams of 6 or fewer. Adult drivers are needed for each team. (Parents should fill out the driver form.)
Register for Confirmation
Confirmation is the rite of affirmation of faith. For those who were baptized as children, confirmation is your opportunity to “confirm” your faith in Jesus Christ and find your place in the church. At FUMCBR, confirmation happens in 6th grade.
Confirmation classes are held in the Fall and Winter during the Sunday School hour (9:45am-10:45am). Confirmation combines learning about the basics of Christian faith and how to have a relationship with God, all into fun lessons with friends! Confirmands attend an awesome retreat where they grow closer to God and each other.
Sunday School
2nd Floor Arcade
Youth Night
Sunday School
Sunday Morning @ 9:45am
Sunday School for 6th-12th grade meets in-person at FUMC. Grow your knowledge of God and deepen your faith!
Youth Night
Sunday Night (August - May)
Youth Night is Sunday at FUMC 5:00-6:30pm. Games, activities, dinner and worship for you and your friends. The place to have fun, bring a friend and refresh for the week ahead!
**Times Vary**
Tribes are small groups that meet throughout the week to grow closer as friends and as disciples of Jesus. Complete the form in the Tribes tab to be contacted about a tribe for you.